Train Fast. Decide on The Fly

Unique hybrid machine learning enables fast, massive training on high-performance cloud, while the resulting classifiers can be run on IoT devices for quick untethered decision making.

Performance Meets Convenience

There is no compromise with Cornelia. While enjoying high-level Julia language and ready-to-go packages, you can deliver bare-metal performance even on low-level IoT devices with its LLVM technology.

Built-in. Not Bolt-on

With community contribution, Cornelia supports many data science and machine learning packages natively. It means less time on hunting for right packages and more time for realizing your ideas.

Out-of-the-box Support

Cornelia Engine supports variety of hardware out-of-the-box. From ARM-based IoT boards to smartphones to drones, Cornelia Engine is ported and optimized for many IoT platforms and OSes.